国家数学与交叉科学中心合肥分中心报告会【陈洪佳 博士】



报告题目:Tensor product weight modules over the Virasoro algebra

报 告 人:陈洪佳 博士

报告时间:2013年3月8日 下午 4:30


Abstract:The tensor product of highest weight modules with intermediate series modules over the Virasoro algebra was discussed by H. Zhang in 1997. Since then the irreducibility problem for the tensor products has been open. In this paper, we determine the necessary and sufficient conditions for these tensor products to be simple. From non-simple tensor products, we can get other interesting simple Virasoro
modules. We also obtain that any two such  tensor products are isomorphic if and only if the corresponding highest weight modules and intermediate series modules are isomorphic respectively. If time permits, we will discuss the relations to vertex operator algebras.

This is a joint work with K. Zhao & X. Guo.


