研究生教育创新计划高水平学术前沿讲座之二十七【Dan Ruan】


报告人:Dan Ruan 博士 Assistant Professor in Radiation Oncology

                Department of Radiation Oncology,

                Biomedical Physics, Biomedical Engineering IDP




  :  Applied math in medicine: more than just applying


  要: Applied math and statistical learning are playing an important role in modern medicine, in the field of image processing, evidence-based treatment and various optimization aspects. On the other hand, as certain techniques grow prevalent (e.g., total variation regularization/minimization, levelset representation), they are sometimes applied as it is without considering the specific characteristics of the underlying problem. In this talk, we will start with a sampled overview of medical problems that are computational & applied math (CAM)-intensive, and then present the some medical physics andneurological research in our group, where problem-specific structures are analyzed, and qualitative desirable properties in the solution are “translated” to mathematical problems. We will present examples in outcome regression, treatment plan optimization, and neurological signal separation. These problems, once reduced to the mathematical level, correspond to various forms of sparsity. We will also discuss a particular anatomy-tracking problem where the use of levelset is justified from the underlying physics problem.




